Budget Committee Openings! Please fill out application and email to cindy.cruickshank@perrydale.k12.or.us if you are interested!

Attention Families/Community Members: Due to unforeseen circumstances, our Senior Tea (scheduled for 12/17) and our Winter Program (scheduled for 12/18) are being postponed to January 23rd. Senior Tea is cancelled. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school office at 503-835-7575.

💐 Perrydale FFA is starting a new service for our community members! If you would like to purchase a subscription for flower arrangements, please head into the office to sign up! (Prices listed are a one-time expense)

Attention Senior Parents: Jostens orders will be due Monday, September 30th, 2024.

Important Annoucement

Our Perrydale Seniors last Dutch run! Thank you to Dutch Bros. Coffee of Dallas Oregon for getting almost 40 drinks together ☕️

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024! We are proud to be a part of your story!

We're hiring for a new custodian! Check our employment page for details.